Selection, Training and Promotion
• Arulnithiyar Course (A/N)
• Assistant Professor (Trainee) – (APT)
• Assistant Professor – (APR)
• Professor (Trainee) – (PRT)
• Professor – (PRO)
• Senior Professor – (SPR)
I. Selection :
Selection of Assistant Professor Trainees – (APT) from among the eligible candidates from WCSC and provide training as Assistant Professor Trainee (APT). Applications for Assistant Professor Trainee will be called for through the Zones in Tamil Nadu and through Co-coordinating Committees and Trusts in the other states and abroad.
II. Training – Masters Refresher Course (MRC) & Zonal Refresher Course (ZRC)
1. Masters Refresher Course is a Training course for Sky Existing Professors, which involves acquiring of philosophical knowledge, sharpening of teaching skills, attaining new heights in deep meditation, understanding the values of our institution and knowing about the new rules and regulations of WCSC. The course enables develop both the sky masters and the general public. The process ensures the spiritual growth of our sky professors gradually and individually.
2. All categories of sky masters are expected to attend the Masters Refresher Course (MRC) every year, either at Aliyar or the other centers decided by SMART.
3. The ZRC is conducted by SMART at zonal level yearly once.
4. The programme will be announced through Anboli, every year. MRC/ZRC training experience is a must for the promotion of masters.
III. Promotion :
1. Promotion from Assistant Professor Trainee (APT) to Assistant Professor (APR) will be on the basis of his/her Self Assessment Report. (SAR) Points & Two years service.
2. Promotion from Assistant Professor (APR) to Professor (Trainee) – (PRT) will be on the basis of his/her Self Assessment Reports and Written examination at the end of two years service.
3. Promotion from Professor Trainee (PRT) to Professor (PRO) will be on the basis of his/her Self Assessment Reports & Two years service.
4. Promotion from Professor (PRO) to Senior Professor (SPR) will be on the basis of his/her Self Assessment Report and 15 years of service as well as the approval of the Board
IV. Other Service :
1. To collect and maintain “AFFIDAVIT” from all the masters.
2. To issue Registration Number and I.D. Card to all eligible SKY masters.
3. To issue authorization letter to Assistant Professor and further promotions.
4. To collect, evaluate and record the “service points” of the masters in the data system.
5. To mobilize funds and maintain SMART Directorate.
6. To initiate disciplinary proceedings against any member who has violated the rules and regulation of the WCSC.