How to Apply
I. Procedure for Selection:
1. The Directorate will make periodical announcements regarding the place, date and time for the Assistant Professor – Trainee (APT) course in Anboli, the official journal of the WCSC.
2. Eligible candidates from the Trusts and Centers can apply to the Directorate in Form No.2 & 2A, through the zones in Tamil Nadu and the Coordinating committees in the other states and countries.
II. Procedure for Promotion:
1. The Assistant Professor (APR) will be promoted to Professor Trainee (PRT) on the basis of SAR and a written examination in the subjects pertaining to Introspection – III and Brahmagnanam (BG).
2. All other categories of masters are promoted on the basis of the “service points” in the Self Assessment Report (SAR) with an interval of two years except Senior Professor.