• Registered Office is No.26, Second Seaward Street, Valmiki Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai – 600 041.

    The above is the address and place of Central Office of the Centre but the Board of Management has the power to shift the office to any place in the interest of the Centre.

    • The Centre was founded and registered under Societies Registration Act by the District Registrar, Chennai – Chengalpet in Serial No. 84/1958 and again Re-Registered in S.No.22 of 1993 under T.N.S.R. Act 27/75.

    • The Centre is within the Jurisdiction of the Registrar of Societies, Chennai South, Saidapet, Chennai – 600 015.

    • The Business hours of the Centre shall be between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. on all week days except Wednesday and Government Holidays.

    The objects of the centre are those as mentioned in the .Memorandum of Association and those as follows.


    It is the policy of the Centre to work for and achieve all its objects and ideals by all peaceful and legitimate means and to spread its objects and ideals amongst the people of India and other nations of the World without transgressing the limits of Freedom of speech, Freedom of thought, Freedom of action, and Freedom of opinion, as conferred by the Constitutions of those nations. The Centre will be a non-religious and non-political organization.


    • To educate the people with a view to change them so that they must be altruistic in their outlook and help the needy in all possible ways.

    • To make people understand that they must unite for purposes of solving common problems such as unemployment, imparting education to all children, clearing of slums and improving sanitation and to educate the people about the necessity of Co-operative Societies for production and distribution of essential requisites of life, etc., and to tap the local philanthropic sources mainly for necessary funds and to supplement the same by approaching the Government for additional facilities and aids if necessary.

    • To establish, run and maintain educational institutions, schools, spiritual training centres, libraries, hospitals, work-houses, play grounds, gardens and other recreation centres and institutions for the benefit and well-being of the human community.

    • To organize conferences, meetings, debates, shows, competitions, etc., for promoting the aims and objects of the Centre.

    • To print and publish newspapers, periodicals, magazines, books or leaflets which the Centre may consider necessary for the propagation of its objects.

    • To prepare and exhibit films of educational, cultural, aesthetic, artistic and entertaining value.

    • To establish branch Centres and to affiliate other associations with similar aims and objects.

    • To do all other things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

    To teach philosophy of Nature and initiate practical and easy methods of attaining Self Realization to those who deserve and thereby spread altruism all over the world.


    • To educate the people that all human beings are the children of Nature and are therefore equally eligible to enjoy all privileges and be provided with all essentials without any discrimination of sex, color, caste, creed, language, religion or nationality.

    • To explain the people the dignity of Service and nobility of Sacrifice and raise their mental status so that they emerge as a single World Community, living happily, rendering selfless service mutually.

    • To enlist Volunteers from all parts of the World who are willing to dedicate themselves to serve for the emancipation of mankind under the care and guidelines of the World Community Service Centre; the children will be brought up and educated by experts in the fields of Health, Science, Psychology and Philosophy in such a way that they emerge as Apostles of Peace and architects of a New World order.

    • To make people understand that the world is a common property for all as Sun, Moon and Wind and to attain World Citizenship Right for every individual wherever born.

    • To lay the surest, safest and strongest foundation for the establishment of truly full-fledged socialistic pattern of Society by adopting a long range policy of educating the people on its implications, scope and advantage.


    • To plan effectively to feed, clothe and shelter every individual.

    • To co-operate with a rational outlook in solving the common problems of life.

    •. To confer World Citizenship Right on individuals so that people move over without restriction to any part of the world and live happily enjoying equal opportunities.

    to dispel the misunderstandings and ideological differences between individuals and between nations, thereby destroying the seeds of World War and establishing everlasting World Peace.


    • The functioning of the Centre shall include all kinds of activities necessary for the fulfillment of its objectives as stated above, and in particular conducting meetings, Personality Development Courses, Seminars, Conferences and Introspection Courses/s and the Publication of Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals as may be decided by the Board of Management and all other committees working under the Board of Management as Board of Trustees from time to time to fulfill the objectives of the centre in pursuit of Truth and Self Realization.

    • The General Secretary of the Centre shall be the person authorized to sue and be sued on behalf of the Centre.

    • The President/Board of Management shall be the persons who are empowered to give directions on behalf of the Centre.

    • Official Year: The Official year/ Accounting year of the Centre commences every year on the First day of April and ends on the 31st day of March of the succeeding year.

    The Language: The Language used by the Centre will, generally be English as this will be better than any other languages to spread the ideals of the Centre in all the States of India and other Countries of the World and also to establish and maintain fruitful contacts with all the Nations of the World. Any Affiliated Trust / SKY Meditation Centre can use any other language most suitable for propagating the ideals and objects of the Centre in its own area and for enabling the people to understand, discuss and to spread the objects and ideals of the Centre and thereby secure better co-operation and support .from the people residing in that area.


    • Membership: “Member” means member entered in the Register and recognized by President/Board of Management, He should be a SKY practitioner recognized by President, WCSC / BOM who is termed as member of the General Body who alone is admitted as member to the General Body and thus a member of the General Body with right to vote in the General Body Meeting.


    • Male or Female above 21 years.

    • SKY practitioners recognized by President, WCSC/Board of Management who are named and styled as members of the General Body.

    • Shall be a Deposit Subscriber to ‘Anboli’. The amount of the deposit will be decided by the Board from time to time.

    • Shall not adopt any religious practices in the activities of The World Community Service Centre.

    • Shall be ideal citizen of the Society with utmost responsibility and perform the duties and activities of the WCSC in a dedicated service mentality and thus serve the humanity in the best possible way for the emancipation of mankind.

    • Shall be dedicated to the ideals of Vethathiri Maharishi, on SELF REALISATION through meditation, introspection, sublimation and perfection and thus perfect himself, develop self awareness to understand all about self, lead an exemplary life of moral consciousness and social sense without any greed for money, fame, power and pleasures of life.

    • Shall be a real seeker of Truth and Spiritual Knowledge;

    Managing Trustee/Secretary/Treasurer or any Trustee of each of the affiliated Trusts. (as contained in clause 19(1) infra), will be one member.

    • Such other further qualifications which the Board of Management in consultation with Executive Committee shall decide from time to time;

    Any other members admitted by President, WCSC.

    • Members of the General Body are the only members of the General Body of the WCSC with right to vote in the General Body Meeting. In admitting a member, the opinion and decision of the President/Board of Managment shall be final and binding.

    • Subjects to the classifications, restrictions and conditions contained in clause

    • supra, the application for membership to General Body with voting right of members shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another member of the Executive Committee of the ‘WCSC’ and shall be in the prescribed form and name of the said enrolled members alone shall be entered in the Register of members.

    • Entrance and Subscription Fees: A person whose admission is approved by President Board of Management must pay Rs.100/- as Entrance fee and Rs.50/- per year as subscription / Renewal fee.

    • Any amount paid by others who are not admitted as members with or without the specific qualification of member of the General Body as detailed in para 12(ii) supra shall be considered only as donors, patrons and the like and will not be considered as ‘member/s’ of the General Body of the Centre. Patrons, donors and the like can contribute to any extent either in cash or in kind.

    • The Founder of the Centre is Sri Yogiraj G.V. VETHATHIRI MAHARISHI (Author of the Book ‘World Peace’ in Tamil) who attained “Mahasamathi” on 28th March, 2006.

    • Fund: Fund means the donations, gifts, voluntary contributions, other contributions and endowments given by any patron/s or affiliated centre/s or person/s.


    In these Rules, unless otherwise provided and unless there is anything repugnant to or inconsistent with the subject or context :

    • ‘FOUNDER PRESIDENT’ means the Founder President of The World Community Service Centre, Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi, He was born in 1911. Because of his unrelenting search for Truth and the cause for the sufferings of the humanfolk he undertook innumerable spiritual practices and research. He founded The World Community Service Centre in 1958 which is a non profit registered society, with a view of teaching the spiritual practices synthesized by him, that ensure the practitioner a Holistic (Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Social) Health. He wrote the book “World Peace” in Tamil. His teachings are lucid and holistic blend of science and philosophy which ‘would build brotherhood, harmony and understanding apart from peace and happiness. This spiritual education is offered without any discrimination to sex, race, religion and nationality. Maharishi’s prime target had been world peace through individual peace, effected by this Spiritual Education, through centres both domestic and foreign.

    • ‘PRESIDENT’ means President of The World Community Service Centre,

    • ‘CENTRE’ means The World Community Service Centre,

    • ‘BRANCH’ means the branch of The World Community Service Centre wherever situated.

    • ‘AFFILIATED’ means the Institution or Association with similar aims and objects affiliated to The World Community Service Centre.

    • ‘AFFILIATED TRUST’ means any Trust of the centre which is an independent unit with the same ideals and aspiration with Affiliated Centre’s status. The affiliated trust or its Managing Trustee or Secretary or Treasurer or its Executive Committee Member/s or Trustee/s is I are not members of the. Centre unless specifically co-opted by resolution by the Board of Management as Board of Trustees as member/s to General Body of the Centre.

    • Affiliation Fee I Renewal of Affiliation Fee’ shall mean the feels prescribed by the Board of Management payable to this Centre from time to time.

    • ‘Patronage Donation’ means a portion of total gross donations from Trainees received by each affiliated Trust payable to this Centre, as prescribed by the Board of Management from time to time.

    • ‘General Body’ means members of the General Body of The World Community Service Centre who alone were/are the members of the General Body with a right to vote in the General Body Meeting of the Centre. (Vide class 19.1 infra)

    • ‘Executive Committee’ means Governing Body of the Centre. The mode of election of members to the said committee has been expressly provided in clause 21 infra xi) ‘Elected members of the Executive Committee’ means all the members of the Executive Committee elected once in three years as provided in clause 21 infra and approved by the General Body.

    • ‘BOARD OF MANAGEMENT’ means Governing Body vested with ruling authority of the Center, elected by Executive Committee, in which the right of Management of the Center, its Zones, its affiliated Trusts, its properties and funds and the right to do all acts, deeds and things for which this Center is established shall vest, and if not so vested is deemed to be vested, in the Board of Management as Board of Trustees for the time being without divesting the rights of the Centre in its properties (vide clause 26 of Articles of Association and Bye-Laws infra).

    • “Board of Management” which terms wherever the contexts permits shall mean and include the persons constituting the Board of Management as Board of Trustees or Board from time to time.

    • ‘Advisory Body’ means Advisory Body nominated by the President/Board of Management consisting of responsible and influential persons belonging to various walks of life to advice, assist and help the Centre in promoting its objects.

    • ‘Sub-Committee’ means Committee formed by the President / Board of Management in the interest of the administrative set-up for securing the maximum efficiency in service and for propagating and advancing the ideals of the ‘Centre as and when required.

    • ‘Corpus or Capital Fund’ of the Centre shall mean and include amounts declared as Centre’s property or corpus of the Center under these presents and all the investments for the time being representing the same which shall also include any other gifts, donations, voluntary contributions, other contributions and endowments gi1Jen by any patron/s or affiliated Centre/s or person/s or institution/s or others with a direction that such gifts, donations, voluntary contributions, other contributions and endowments shall be kept as part of the corpus of the centre and its corresponding investments for the time being. Losses suffered in respect of any investment of the Centre or on sale of assets of the Centre shall be deducted from corpus or capital fund. Further, corpus includes any income from the properties of the Centre and its corresponding investments.

    • Special Resolution means a resolution by a majority of not less than three-fourth of such members entitled to Vote as present in person at a General Body Meeting for which a notice of not less than 21 days, specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution was given.‘SKY’ means the Simplified Kundalini Yoga.

    Wherever the word ‘he/him/his’ is used it shall also include ‘she/her’.


    • The name and address of the member;

    • The date on which the member was admitted;

    • The date on which a member ceased to be such a member.


    • Member of the General Body alone are members of the General Body of the Centre and shall have one vote at every meeting (this restriction exists from the inception of the Centre)

    • Every member entitled to attend and vote for the General Body Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of himself / her self and the proxy should not be a member of General Body.

    • All members of the General Body shall have the right to inspect at the registered office of the Centre the books of account, bye-laws, books containing minutes of proceedings of General Body Meeting and Register of members of the Centre on any working day, during business hours, by giving reasonable notice.

    • Any member may resign the membership by serving a written notice to the General Secretary / President, WCSC.

    • All the members of the Centre shall be bound by the rules and regulations and / or Bye-Laws which may be framed from time to time.


    • One member (Managing Trustee / Secretary / Treasurer/ or any Trustee of the affiliated Trust).

    Such other member/s admitted by President / Board of Management.


    The total number of members of the Executive Committee shall not exceed 200, unless, in special resolution in General Body Meeting, the number of members is altered by 3/4th majority of the members present in the General Body.


    • In the Annual General Body Meeting the members not exceeding 200 will be elected as Executive Committee Members. Among these Executive Committee the members not exceeding 100 members will be elected to the Board of Management and the remaining will be only the Executive Committee Members. Out of this Board of Management Members the following Office Bearers will be elected, President-I, Vice Presidents-5, (Among five, two members will be institutional members) General Secretary-I, Joint Secretaries-3 Treasurer-I, and remaining members will be only the Board Members.

    Explanation: The Procedure for election of members of Board of Management, the qualification of the members to be elected as Members of Board of Management are provided in the Appendix.

    • The Executive Committee of the branches outside India shall elect not less than 3 members from among themselves to the Executive Committee.

    • The Institutional members are to elect one member for each Institution to the Executive Committee.

    • The General Body will elect a specified number of members for Executive Committee once in three years as prescribed by Board of Management, from time to time.

    Explanation: The Procedure for election of the Executive Committee and members of the Board of Management, the qualification of the members to be elected as Executive Committee members and Board of Management is provided in the appendix.


    • The right of management of the Centre, its Institutions, its Trusts, its properties and funds and the right of supervision and control of affiliated Trusts/SKY Meditation Centres and their rights to do all acts, deeds and things as are intended to promote the objects for which this centre is established shall vest and if not so vested shall be deemed to be vested in the Board of Management for the time being without divesting the rights of the Centre in its properties.

    • The total strength of the Board of Management shall not be more than 100 and shall not be less than 50 including the President.

    • If the strength of the members of the Board of Management is to be increased the same shall be increased by election and any contravention of procedure in this behalf shall not be valid.

    • In the case of death or resignation of any elected member of the Board of Management, such vacancy shall be filled up by the Executive Committee as per the express provisions contained in Clause 21 supra; the said right of Management of the Centre, its properties etc of the Centre shall continue to vest in the remaining members of the Board of Management till such vacancy is filled by the elected Executive Committee Members. Such vacancy may be filled up within 90 days or before the expiry of their term of office.

    • In case of expiry of the period of three years of the elected members of the Board of Management they shall be eligible for re-election by the Executive, Committee members.

    • In the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents shall temporarily discharge the functions of the President.


    The members of the Board of Management shall constitute the Sub-Committees. They shall co-opt at least five members and also representatives on area-wise basis and they need not be the members of the Executive Committee, who will be able to further the cause of the Centre and the said Committee shall have separate conveners selected from among themselves. The said committee shall function under the supervision of the President.


    • Subject to the express provisions contained in this Articles of Association, the General Body Members shall be the authority of the Centre and shall have the powers c: amendment and / or additions to the Memorandum or Articles of the Centre on the recommendations of President / Board of Management.

    • The General Body shall elect the Executive Committee Members for a term of three years.

    • Subject to the restrictions contained in Clause 21 supra the General Body can elect a person as a member of the Executive Committee in absentia also.

    • To appoint an Auditor or Auditors at its General Body Meeting.

    • Approve with or without amendments of the annual report, the annual balance sheet and the income & expenditure account.

    • Collaboration or amalgamation of the Centre with any other Society or Trust or Fund pursuing similar objects on the recommendation of the Board of Management and Executive Committee. vii) Dissolution of the society and disposal of fund upon distribution to any other Society or Trust pursuing similar objects on the recommendation of the Board of Management and Executive Committee.


    • The Board of Management may appoint the other members of the Executive Committee to hold office in any of the sub-committees or any other committees;

    • The Executive Committee at its meeting shall- elect the members of the Board of Management subject to the express stipulations and mode of the election contained in clause 22 supra;

    • Subject to the express provisions. contained in clause 22 supra, in case of vacancy in the members of the Board of Management by death, resignation, retirement, the same shall be filled in by the General Body.

    • To raise funds in such manner as it thinks fit in consultation with Board of Management for the promotion and propagation of the objects of the Centre.

    • To accord approval to the Board of Management to undertake and accept the mana¬ gement of any endowment or trust fund or donation with objects similar to the objects of the Centre.

    The right of management of the Centre, its institutions, its Trusts, its properties and funds and the right of supervision and control of affiliated Trusts and their. (Le Board of Management) rights to do all acts, deeds and things as are intended to promote the objects for which this Centre is established shall vest and if not so vested shall be deemed to be vested in the Board of Management for the time being without divesting the right of the Centre in its properties. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, .the Board of Management shall have the following powers:

    • Represent the Centre;

    • The properties vested or deemed to be vested in the Board of Management for the time being shall be held for the objects mentioned in the memorandum of the Centre and shall form part of Corpus fund of the Centre.

    •The Board of Management for the time being shall stand possessed of the properties and funds of the Centre which expression wherever the context permits, shall hereafter include all investments in cash or kind or in any nature whatever into and for which the Centre’s properties or any part’s thereof may from time to time be converted, varied or exchanged of such other investments as may be held by the Board of Management from time to time in relation to these presents with all income, property, additions and alterations thereof by using and / or investing such Centre’s property for the objects set-out in memorandum with and subject to the provisions and conditions hereinafter contained in these presents.

    • To frame bye-laws in respect of any subject for carrying out the aims and objects of the Centre and about which the articles are silent and have not made any express provisions and the Board of Management shall have the power to move, add, alter, modify or delete the aims and objects with the consent of the President and Executive Committee.

    • To approve the bye-laws etc framed by the independent branches whether Society, Trust or any other body which are called ‘affiliated centres’ and to add, alter and modify the same so as to make them in conformity with the aims and objects of the Centre.

    • To affiliate institutions or Trusts other than affiliated centre/s mentioned in clause 26 supra (institutions and organizations) which have the same ideals and aspirations of the Centre.

    • The Board of Management shall carry on the business of the Centre in accordance with its objects and may from time to time make and alter rules for the Government and control of all the bodies and ‘affiliated centres’ under the Centre and as to the meetings of the Board of Management, the mode of convening the same and the conduct of the business there at and otherwise as they may think fit and may also delegate any of its powers and duties to any committee or committees consisting of such members as it may appoint for such purpose. However, by such delegation of its powers the Board of Management are in no way divested of their powers in this behalf.

    • The Board of Management shall have the powers over the property of the Centre, shall apply the same or their proceeds by sale or otherwise to promote and advance the objects and aims of the Centre. Any surplus money left in their hands as trustees may be invested by them in the modes as provided in Section 11(5) of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1961 and shall not contravene any other law passed by the Government in this behalf from time to time.

    • The Board of Management shall have full powers and authority to dispose of the property/ies of the Centre in such manner as they deem fit and also have the right to dispose off, vary or alter the investments made by them from time to time for the : benefit of the Centre.

    • The Board of Management shall determine and provide ways and means for the maintenance of all offices and other employees of the centre.

    • The Board of Management shall have overall authority to settle, dispose off and administer all matters which may arise or face the Centre in the conduct of the business of the Centre, without any restrictions or sanction of the General Body/ Executive Committee of the Centre to the best advantage to the Centre and to submit to arbitration in any matter touching the Centre and third parties.

    • The Board of Management may act for all purposes not withstanding any vacancy in their number and all proceedings at any meeting of the Board of Management shall be valid and effectual.

    • To expend the funds of the Centre in such manner as it shall consider most beneficial for the purposes of the Centre and to invest in the name of the Centre such part thereof as it may deem fit, and to direct the sale or disposition of any such investments, and to expend the proceeds of any such sale for the purposes of the Centre.

    • To acquire in the name of the Centre, build up, pull down, re-build, add, alter, repair, improve, lease out, sell or dispose off or 0therwise deal with any land, buildings or premises for the use of the Centre;

    • To enter into contracts on behalf of the Centre;

    • To borrow money with or without the security of any of the property of the Centre and to grant or direct to be granted mortgages for securing the same;

    • To make, and to repeal or alter, from time to time regulations as to the management of the Centre and the affairs thereof and as to the duties of any officers or other employees of the Centre, and as to the conduct of business by the Board of Manage¬ment or any Executive Committee or other Committees or any sub-committee, and as to any of the matters or things within the powers or under the control of the Board of Management, provided that the same shall not be inconsistent with the memorandum or articles of association of the Centre; and xvii) To undertake and accept the management of any endowment or trust fund or donation with objects similar to the objects of the Centre with the approval of the Executive Committee.


    • To raise donation/s or accept gift/s either in cash or in kind or otherwise from public, Government, Quasi-Government Institutions and other institutions in India, or outside India for the purpose of the Centre and such donations or gift/s may be corpus donation/ s or gift/s or other specific donation/s or gift/s and to hold the same for the Centre.

    • To receive voluntary contributions, endowments from any person/s, institutions and others both in India and outside India whatsoever by way of donation/s, legacy and gifts towards corpus or otherwise and to hold the same for the Centre;

    • The Board of Management shall have the powers to receive the contribution in cash or in kind either for the above said general purpose or for any specific objects and shall deal with the same;

    • Funds may be raised through any kind of publications, printed, audio and visual;

    • Funds may also be raised by public functions or social events as deemed appropriate and in keeping with the noble spirit of the foundation’s aim;

    To apply to Governments or Quasi-Government units or public or private Institutions for grants etc;

    • To sue for, give notice or demand, recover all money and effects due to the, Centre and seek eviction of tenants, lessee/s, sub-lessee/s or lessee/s or sub-licensee/s and take proceedings and file complaints, petitions, affidavits, execution petitions and draw money from court or any other public offices and to delegate the said powers to the General Secretary;

    • To enter into any contract relating to the Centre with Government and Quasi Governmental financial institutions and banks or with any other/s in the name of the Centre;

    • To incur expenditure and effect payments out of the Centre’s money pursuant to orincidential to the exercising of any power stated in these presents;

    • To receive, collect and enforce, recovery of all money due to or payable, to the Centre and grant necessary receipts and discharge therefore and such receipts of the Board of Management shall effectively discharge the persons paying the amount due to the Centre.

    • It shall be lawful for the Board of Management to decide by circular by the majority of the members of the Board of Management and any such circular, resolutions or decisions shall be as effective as a resolution passed at a meeting of the Board of Management.

    • Subject to specific provisions contained in clause 26 sub-clause (xviii) (c.), the Board of Management is authorized to apply the money and funds of the Centre for all or anyone or more of the objects of the Centre as they may deem fit from time to time.

    • The Board of Management/President shall be chargeable only for such money they/he/she actually receive and not for any involuntary losses or for any loss not due to their/his/her own willful act and / or defaults. A member of the Board of Management herein or any person to whom any of the powers referred to in clause 26 supra are delegated or to whom any duties are assigned shall have right to re-imburse him/ herself/ themselves or payout of Centre’s properties or fund or income or resources all expenses which may be incurred by him/her/them in or about the execution of the activities of the Centre and power of these presents;

    • To appoint paid staff, to fix their salary, or pay wages as the case may be, to fix their duties, hours of work, leave privileges and to control and supervise their work, to fine, suspend and dismiss all employees for dereliction of duty;

    • To make, accept, endorse and execute pronotes, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments, for any of the purpose of the Centre;

    • To form sub-committees for the various activities of the Centre, wherever and whenever necessary, and also delegate any of the powers hereby conferred on the Board of Management to be exercised by any person/s, Committee nominated by it and by such delegation of powers the Board of Management are in no way divested of their powers in this behalf. Further the Board of Management has powers to vary and / or revoke the powers so delegated; the said Committees should function under the head of the President.

    • To give from time to time directives or directions to the affiliated Trusts to keep them in proper working order, to close down any of the affiliated Trusts for continuous or designed disobedience of the said directives or directions and with power to the Board of Manage¬ment to nominate any person/s to take over and manage all the functions, powers and duties of the Executive Committee of the said affiliated Trusts in the interest of propagating the ideals and objects of the Centre without divesting its right to its properties.

    • To take action as it thinks fit against any member who conducts himself against the dignity or object or aim of the Centre. The member concerned will be given notice of the proposed action giving him enough time and opportunity to show cause why the proposed action should not be taken against him. If he fails to do so, then the Board of Management shall remove him from the rolls. The decision of the Board of Management shall be final;

    • Generally to do all things necessary or expedient for the due conduct of the affairs of the Centre not herein otherwise provided for;

    • Subject to express provisions contained in this amendment to the Articles of Associa¬tion, whenever members pf the Board of Management are acting as per any of the direction/s or power/s or obligation /s contained in this amendment to the Articles of Association the same shall be construed as compulsive direction/s power/s or obligations.

    • ubject to the stipulations contained in any other provisions in this amendment to the Articles of Association in case of any difficulties or doubts arise or any question in respect of management or administration of the Centre or any matter following hereunder, the President may, on behalf of the Board of Management apply to the court for opinion, advice, directions or order and the Board of Management acting upon the directions, if any, of the court shall be deemed, so far as regards their res¬ponsibility to have discharged their duties in respect thereof;

    Indemnity: Every member of the Board of Management Executive Committee or General Body or any other Committee / sub-committee, officer/s or other employees of the society shall be indemnified against all liabilities arising out of acts and things done by him/them in performance of the duties entrusted, by way of damages other wise, and all losses, costs, charges and expenses which he/they may incur or become liable by reason of any contract entered into or any act or deed done by him/them as such member/s, officers or other employees in any way or about the discharge of his/their duties.



    He shall preside over all the meetings of the Board of Management, Executive Committee and of the General Body and of all the Sub-Committees. His ruling shall be final in all procedural matters. The President will have right to vote and he will have a casting vote in case of tie. The President shall have power of General supervision over the work of the Centre. The President shall individually have all the powers that are delegated in clauses 26 supra which are vested in the Board of Management under the said clauses, in the same manner and to the like extent as the Board of Management have under these presents. However in the case of any conflict between the decision of the Board of Management and the President, the decision of the Board of Management or Board alone shall prevail.

    Vice Presidents:

    One of them shall act as President in the absence of the President. The Vice-Presidents shall jointly have all the powers stated in clauses 26 supra which are vested in the Board of Management under the said clauses in the same manner and to the like extent as the Board of Management have under these presents. However in the case of any conflict between the decision of the Board of Management Trustees and the Vice-Presidents the decision of the Board of Management or Board alone shall prevail. Further the Board of Management shall delegate to “the Vice-Presidents obligations undertaken.


    • He shall be responsible for the cash balance of the Centre and also collection of subscription and all dues of the Centre.

    • He shall maintain a proper and up-to-date register containing all money received and spent by and on behalf of the centre;

    • He shall maintain the cash book and ledger as directed and desired by the Board of Management and Auditor;

    • He shall present up-to-date accounts in every meeting of the Board of Management showing receipts and expenditure up to the date of the meeting:

    • He shall at the time of the Annual” General Body Meeting present full and detailed accounts duly audited by the Auditor of the Centre.

    • He shall sign the cheques for all payments on behalf of the Centre. These shall be counter- signed by the General Secretary and the President or such other member of the Committee approved or authorized in this behalf by the Board of Management


    He shall prepare the consolidated budget of the Centre for approval of the Board of Management from time to time as necessary.

    General Secretary:

    He General Secretary to the Board of Management will be in charge of the office of the Centre and amongst others do the following acts and things;

    • To check and verify accounts in the cash book and sign the same;

    • To sign and issue notices for the meeting of the Board of Management, meeting of the Executive Committee and the annual meeting of the Centre;

    • To look after and conduct all correspondence relating to or in any way concerning the Centre other than those which may be allocated to any member or members in charge of any department of the Centre;

    • To keep or cause to be kept in proper order and custody of all documents and all papers and files belonging to the Centre;

    • To operate under the joint signature of President or such other member of the Board of Management approved or authorized in this behalf of the Board of Management on any account in one or more bank or banks as approved by the Board of Manage¬ment in conjunction with Treasurer of the Centre;’

    • To signin token of sanction all vouchers for necessary expenses of the Centre within the limits sanctioned by the Board of Management before payment by the Treasurer.

    • The General Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of the (1) Minutes of Meeting of the General Body, Executive Committee and Board of Management (2) He shall be jointly responsible with Treasurer for the maintenance of the accounts of the Centre.

    • He shall be responsible for carrying on day to day administration and collection of subscription and all other dues of the Centre;

    • He shall have powers to initiate and prosecute all legal proceedings on behalf of the Centre;


    • Applications for registration of amendments of rules.

    • Notice of establishment of new affiliated Trusts.

    • Copies of special resolutions for registrationNotices of change of registered office.

    • Applications to record rules and amendments of rules.

    Joint Secretaries:

    They shall assist the General Secretary in all his work and one of them shall act as General Secretary in his absence.


    Subject to the stipulations and restrictions contained hereunder, all the affiliated Trusts of the Centre shall hereafter be independent Trusts and the properties and liabilities of the respective affiliated Trusts shall belong to such affiliated Trusts absolutely as they are hereby declared as independent. Trusts and are hereafter called ‘Affiliated Trusts/s’. The Centre will not be liable to any liability or financial transactions incurred by the Affiliated Trust.

    • A portion of the total collection from the trainee donations, as decided by the Board of Management from time to time, except general donations, shall be sent to the Centre as Patronage donation by every affiliated Trust every quarter together with copy of its accounts relating to that quarter within 20 days from the end of each quarter.

    • Accounts relating to every year of each affiliated Trust shall be sent to the Centre within one month of the closure of its accounts for information and verification so as to enable the Centre to fix the correct amount due to the Centre for each year as patronage donation.

    • Each Trust seeking affiliation shall get the approval of the Board of Management which will be accorded after scrutiny of the Bye-laws etc, framed by the respective affiliated Trust/s of the Centre; and the Board of Management in consultation with the Executive Committee has the power to add, alter and modify the same so as to make them in conformity with the aims and objects of the Centre;

    • Subject to the approval of Executive Committee, to produce and have approval of the Board of Management of the draft of the Trust deeds or other documents, if any, of affiliated Trust/s so as to make them in conformity with the aims and objects of the Centre;

    • The affiliated Trust should get the renewal certificate of affiliation each year from the Centre within 3 months after the end of every official year, by paying donation.

    • The affiliated Trust is only an affiliated unit which will have the same ideals and aspirations of the Centre; but the same is not a member of the General Body of the Centre through its representative/s unless co-opted as member by the Board of Management by a specified resolution in this behalf.

    • The Board of Management is empowered to give from time to time directives or directions to the affiliated Trust/s, to keep them in proper working order, to close down any of the affiliated Trust/s for continuous or designed disobedience of the said directives or directions and to nominate any person or persons to take over and manage all the functions, powers and duties of the Executive Committee of the said affiliated Trust in the interest of propagating the ideals and objects of the Centre without divesting its rights in its properties.

    • No individual or association shall use the name of The World Community Service Centre or its expression and the method of training without actually been accorded with affiliation by the Board of Management.


    • The Administrative members of the Board of Management and Executive Committee shall not commit any act of breach of trust or the Centre’s fund or properties and shall not cause any loss to or fraud in the administration of the Centre’s fund or properties.

    • Every Administrative member of the Board of Management shall be immune for any act done by him/her in good faith in the course of the administration of the corpus or Centre’s fund and properties.

    • A member or an office bearer of the Executive Committee may resign by sending a request addressed to the President / Board of Management in that respect in writing before the expiry of his term.

    • A member who is an undischarged insolvent or who has been convicted of any offence in the formation, management or of the affairs of the Centre or of any offence involving moral turpitude shall not be entitled to be a member or office bearer of the Board of Management.

    • The Board of Management shall cause minute books to be kept of the proceedings at The General Body Meeting of the Centre and at meetings of the Board of Management and the Executive Committee, shall cause entries to be made therein of all resolutions put to vote and of the result of the voting and any such minutes signed by the President or by a member of the Board of Management present at the meeting shall be sufficient evidence of the due passing of any resolution and of the amount of the majority voting in favour thereof No person shall exercise his/her vote in any meeting of the General Body unless he/she is a member of the General Body.

    • In case any member of Board of Management or Executive Committee is not co-operating with the other members he shall obey the direction/s of the majority members of such committee.


    The Board of Management shall provide a common seal for the purposes of the Centre which shall be kept under such custody and control as the Board of Management shall from time to time determine. The seal of the Centre shall not be affixed to any instrument except pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Management and in the presence of two members of the Board of Management who shall sign every instrument to which the seal is affixed in their presence and every such instrument shall be counter signed by the General Secretary.


    A notice may be served upon any member either personally or by publishing the notice in ANBOLI or by displaying the notice in the Notice Board in the office of the Centre or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, addressed to such member at his registered address for service, if any. In the latter case it shall be deemed to have been served at the time when the letter containing the same would have been delivered in the ordinarily course of post, except in the case of notice of a meeting when it shall be deemed to have been served at the expiration of 24 hours after the posting of such notice and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter containing the notice was properly addressed and posted.

    Non-delivery of Notice:

    The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to or the non-receipt of a notice of a meeting by any person entitle to receive notice shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting


    • The Board of Management shall meet as least once in 3 months.

    • At least 7 days notice shall be given to the members for the meetings of the Board of Management and the quorum shall be fifty one percent.

    • The President may at any time direct the General Secretary to call a meeting of the Board of Management.

    • A meeting of the Board of Management shall be called by the General Secretary either on his own initiative or on the written requisition of any fifty one percent Members of the Board of Management given to the General Secretary.

    • If the General Secretary fails to convene such a requisitioned meeting within ten days from the date of requisition, the President will convene the meeting.

    • An adjourned meeting of the Board of Management shall require no quorum.

    • The decisions of the Board of Management may be arrived at by circular and such decision shall be deemed to be the decision of the Board of Management at regular meeting.

    • The members of the Board of Management shall continue in office till other new members are elected.


    • The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in six months.

    • At least 7 days notice shall be given to the members for the meetings of the Executive Committee and the quorum shall be fifty one percent.

    • The President may at any time direct the General Secretary to call a meeting of the Executive Committee.

    • A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be called by the General Secretary either on his own initiative or on the written requisition of any fifty one percent members of the Executive Committee given to the General Secretary.

    • If the General Secretary fails to convene such a requisitioned meeting within 10 days from the date of requisition, the President will convene the meeting.

    • An adjourned meeting of the Executive Committee shall require no quorum.

    • The decisions of the Executive Committee may be arrived at by a circular and such decisions shall be deemed to be the decision of the Executive Committee at the regular meeting.

    • The members of the Executive Committee shall continue in office till other new members are elected.


    • In every year there shall at least be one General Body Meeting. This meeting in any case shall be held not later than September every year. 21 days notice shall be given for this meeting. The quorum shall be 1/3rd of the members on the roll.

    • If the required quorum is not present at the time mentioned in the notice calling for the meeting, the President will wait for one hour for the requisite quorum. If there is no requisite quorum the President will automatically adjourn the meeting and the adjourned meeting will be held within ten days.


    • The President may call for special extra-ordinary meeting of the General Body whenever he deems fit and necessary by giving 21 days clear notice.

    • An extra-ordinary General Body Meeting shall be convened (by the President or in his absence by the General Secretary) within 30 days on a requisition in writing by 1/3rd of members on the roll stating the objects for which the meeting is called for.


    • Every General Body member shall have one vote only.

    • Every member entitled to attend and vote in the General Body Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of himself and the proxy should not be a member of the General Body.


    • The Funds of the Centre shall be deposited in one or more scheduled banks approved by the Board of Management and the account shall be operated by the Treasurer with joint signature of the General Secretary and the President or one of the members of the Board of Management as approved and authorized by the Board of Management.

    • The Treasurer can have on hand cash only up to the extent of Rs. 20,000/- and all surpluses over this limit must be deposited in the bank.

    • All payments to be made by the Centre to the staffs by way of salaries, allowance etc, towards establishment charges like rent, lighting charges and other expenses of the Centre and any other payments to be made to outsiders or to members shall be authorized by the General Secretary and the President or one of the Vice-President/s as may be authorized or approved by the Board of Management.


    • Auditor and auditors of the Centre shall be appointed by the General Body at its meeting every year.

    • The accounts of the Centre shall be audited by the approved Auditor of the General Body.


    The accounts of the Centre are open for inspection to all members of the Executive Committee and all the members of the Centre who are members of the General Body, who apply for the same in writing as provided in clause 18 supra.


    • The election of the Members of Board of Management shall be held at the first General Body Meeting once in three years.

    • The General Secretary shall call for nominations at least 21 days before the date fixed for election.

    • Any withdrawl of the nomination for any post is to be informed in writing before four days from the election date.

    • The nomination papers received to the office shall be scrutinized by the Election Committee appointed by the Board and a list of valid nominations shall be published in the Notice Board of the Centre at least 3 days before the date of the General Body Meeting.

    • Any nomination paper which does not conform with the Bye-laws shall be recorded as invalid and rejected by the Chairman of the Election Committee and decision of the Election Committee shall be final.

    • When the nominations just satisfy the number of posts for election, the nominees get elected automatically without contest. But where the nominations exceed the number of any post or posts, there shall be a Ballot among the nominees. The result of the polling shall duly be declared by the Chairman at the meeting itself.

    • The members of Election Committee shall not include any person seeking election for any post.

    • If the number of members elected falls short or if there is no nomination for any post, the newly elected President may propose and include any willing member at the General Body Meeting to the respective post.

    • A member who has completed 5 years from the date of his admission to the Centre till the date of election and who had attended five General body meetings continuously prior to the election meeting alone is eligible for being a Nominee, a proposer or seconder to the post of the President, Vice President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer.